Todd Humphreys
Todd E. Humphreys holds the Ashley H. Priddy Centennial Professorship in Engineering in the department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics at the University of Texas at Austin.
READ FULL BIORoger Piqueras Jover, Google
Roger Piqueras Jover is a Software Engineer in the Android Security organization. He leads the Android Connectivity Security program, focusing on hardening baremetal connectivity firmware and hardening Android devices against False Base Stations, SMS Blasters and other wireless attacks.
READ FULL BIOSuresh P. Nair, Nokia
Suresh Nair currently holds the chair position for 3GPP security working group SA3 since may 2021. He is a member of the security standardization team under the Architecture Security and Automation group in Nokia.
READ FULL BIOAzimeh Sefidcon, Nokia
Dr. Azimeh Sefidcon is head of the Network System and Security Lab at Nokia Bell Labs. She has served as a technical judge in different foras and on board of directors for digitalization and quantum research programs in Sweden.